Joel Durant

Joel Durant

Joel Durant has over 15 years of experience in the garden industry. His expertise in sustainable gardening practices and plant care extends to his work as a writer and blogger. With a focus on sharing knowledge and building community, Joel is committed to promoting a greener, more sustainable world.

What is Wormwood? Exploring this Fascinating Herb

what is wormwood, Wormwood Uses

Delving into Artemisia Absinthium What is wormwood? You might have encountered this intriguing name in literature, history, or even the Bible. Wormwood, scientifically known as Artemisia absinthium, is a perennial herb with a long history of medicinal, culinary, and spiritual…

How to Grow Blueberries

how to grow blueberries

Highbush Blueberries Growing blueberries can be a rewarding endeavour. The highbush blueberry plant produces delicious, high-yielding, blueberries for eating and making into desserts. It is a deciduous shrub growing up to 4 m tall. In the fall, the leaves change…

How to Grow Sea Buckthorn

how to grow sea buckthorn

Sea Buckthorn Sea buckthorn is a ‘superfood’ and a tree of increasing economic importance due to the health benefits it provides. The seeds contain high antioxidants such as vitamin C and E and flavonoids, strengthening the immune system and protecting…