Joel Durant

Joel Durant

Joel Durant has over 15 years of experience in the garden industry. His expertise in sustainable gardening practices and plant care extends to his work as a writer and blogger. With a focus on sharing knowledge and building community, Joel is committed to promoting a greener, more sustainable world.

Peace Lily Care: A Complete Guide

peace lily, peace lily care, peace lily flower

A Comprehensive Guide to Growing, Caring for, and Propagating Peace Lily Plants Peace Lily is a popular houseplant many love due to its beautiful foliage and stunning white flowers. This plant is scientifically known as Spathiphyllum wallisii and belongs to…

Snake Plant Care: A Complete Guide

snake plant, Sansevieria, snake plant care, watering snake plant, repotting snake plant

Tips and Tricks for Growing a Healthy and Beautiful Snake Plant (Sansevieria) If you’re looking for a low-maintenance indoor plant with great health benefits, you might want to consider a snake plant (Sansevieria). These tropical plants are native to West…