Start Seeds Easily with Peat Pellets

Start Seeds Easily with Peat Pellets

An easy way to start your seeds is with peat pellets. Peat pellets are compressed discs of Sphagnum peat moss; you can find these at all garden centers and most big box stores. You can buy them with a plastic tray and cover or just the pellets separately.

Peat Pots

Peat pots are made with sphagnum peat moss and wood pulp. Even though they are biodegradable, I do not recommend using them for germinating seeds. The reason is that they do not ‘biodegrade’ quickly. Some roots will penetrate the pot, but it can be a difficult task for your plant. Even if you try to remove the plant from the pot to transplant, some of the roots will be stuck in the pot and cause unnecessary damage. In my opinion, peat pellets are much better to use.

How to Use Peat Pellets

To prepare your pellets, simply place them in a tray and add water. It will only take a few minutes for them to expand fully. Once they’re fully expanded, you can drain the excess water. Sphagnum peat moss is amazing at retaining water and releasing it as the plants need it. After you’ve drained the excess water, place 2-3 seeds in the middle of the expanded peat plug. The reason for this is in case some seeds don’t germinate. Once the seedlings get their first set of leaves and look healthy, you should pinch off the weaker seedlings. In the end, you just want to have one plant per plug.

Makes sure to never allow the peat pellets to dry out. Not only will it kill the seed/seedling, but it will get hard as a rock. Peat pellets are not needed to germinate seeds; although, some people find that it makes the process much organized and easier to manage.

Recommended Books:
Seed to Seed: Seed Saving and Growing Techniques for Vegetable Gardeners, 2nd Edition.
The Complete Guide to Saving Seeds: 322 Vegetables, Herbs, Fruits, Flowers, Trees, and Shrubs.

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